Is it true, as Bro Jackson testified to the Australian Royal Commission, that people can leave the religion freely?
No, absolutely not!
Jackson led his audience to believe that JW members are 'free to leave', but what he actually said was 'you're free to become inactive, and you'll still have to obey our rules for some years or we'll take away your friends and family.
'Free to leave' includes:
- Free from fear of repercussions
- Free to officialy resign from the religion without punishment
- Free to do as you will after leaving, without having someone tell your family they can't have any contact with you.
With fading, none of these conditions are met.
Are you really free to leave if you can't openly celebrate you birthday or Christmas a year after leaving?
Of course it depends; someone who has no JW family and friends anyway after leaving is more likely to be left alone. But those who maintain a close relationship with their JW family or friends after leaving will be held to JW rules.
JW is like Hotel can check out any time you want, but you can never leave (unharmed).